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Board of Directors Meeting

November 16, 2023, at 6:30PM

Water Brook Bible Fellowship Church

507 Thomas St, Wylie TX 75098

I. Call Meeting to Order/ Establish Quorum

II. Resignation of V.P. Angela Ramirez - Bob Newton Appointed

III. Welcome New Board Members from the August Elections:

1. Eugene Hauptmann - Vice President

2. Roslyn Harrell - Secretary

3. Bob Newton - Director/Member at Large

IV. Homeowner Open Forum - Agenda Topics

V. Review Meeting Minutes - July 13, 2023

VI. Review HOA Financial Reports - September 2023

VII. ARC Update - Need ARC Volunteers

VIII. Ratification of Interim Board Decisions:

1. Landscape Renovations - Troy/Crescent Oak & Hickory Woods Way

2. Playground Safety Cushion Replacement - Soil Express Limited

3. Pool Maintenance Contract Renewal - 5 Star Pools

4. Pest Control Contract Renewed - All Pest Solutions

5. Insurance Renewal

IX. New Business/Discussions:

1. Approval of the 2024 Operating Budget - No Assessment Increase

2. Upcoming Projects - Landscape Renovations and HOA Fence Staining

3. Undeveloped HOA Land - Discussion on Amendment

4. Electric Meter at 1404 Collins

5. Other Business Brought by the Board

X. Homeowner Open Forum - Non-Agenda Topics

XI. Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Delinquency/Collections:

1. Review Delinquency Report

2. Ratify Interim Collections Decisions

i. Acct. # 42781 - Approved Expedited Foreclosure

XII. Reconvene to Report Decisions

XIII. Adjourn Meeting

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